- SIGNS- Our primary service is
sign making. This includes signs on metal, plastic wood, and a number of
other substrates. Also Truck and Vehicle lettering, Real Estate, Window
Signs, Store fronts, Cut-out dimensional signs and so on. What sets Art&Sign
apart is our emphasis on design and layout. This makes all the difference
in the eye appeal and readability of your message.
Vinyl Banners are a very cost effective way of getting your message across.
Available in any size and color. Although banners are intended as temporary
advertisement, a well made banner will last many years if correctly installed
and cared for.
We use the best quality Magnum 30 mil. magnetic material. Available in
any size needed to fit your particular vehicle. Before ordering magnetic
signs it is best to test your vehicle for compatibility with magnetic material.
Magnetics are not recommended as permanent signs. If not properly used
and cared for, magnetic signs can cause damage to your vehicles paint.
We furnish instructions for care and storage of all Magnetic Signs.
A logo can be a very important part of your companies marketing identity.
We can create a variety of designs from simple to complex and furnish you
with .eps and .jpg format for use on signage, forms, business cards etc.
After consultation, we will submit a variety of preliminary sketches for
approval. From there you may make changes until you are satisfied with
your new logo.
- VINYL LETTERING or DECALS- Cut or printed vinyl for customer application/installation
is sold by the linear ft. price will depend on complexity, color, and footage.
Vinyl Lettering may be applied to any flat, smooth, non-porous surface.
- TRUCK & VEHICLE LETTERING- A most important part of your companies visibility is
the advertising on you trucks, vans and trailers. We specialize in creative
graphics on company vehicles to let people know who you are, what you do
and how to find your business.
- SANDBLASTED & DIMENSIONAL- Our sandblasted wood and high density urethane (HDU)
signs are popular with apartment complexes, city parks, churches and other
clients who want a classic look. Cut-out lettering and designs from wood,
HDU or plastic also create more eye appeal for your interior or outdoor
We are one of the few Sign Companies that still offer painted and hand
lettered signs. Some for nostalgia's sake or situations where vinyl is
not appropriate.
Store hours on glass door entrances are most common. Many business have
there primary business identification sign on their window front. Windows
are also uses for temporary promotions for sales and special offers and
events. We also paint decorative Holiday Windows for Christmas and other
seasonal events.
Yard signs on corrugated plastic with wire stakes or heavy duty aluminum
in angle iron frames. A variety of sizes colors and designs with rider
signs and more. Full color printed with logo or economical one color signs.
We can also print full color architural rendering signs for builders and
This is not one of our primary services, but we do have many customers
who depend on us for their cards. We can furnish your cards printed or
as digital designs for you to take to the printer.
- DESIGN- Last
on our list, but most important is design and layout. An unattractive or
plane sign is less likely to be read and so fails in it's primary function.
Signs should be pleasing to the eye, easy to read and make your business
look good. THAT'S what we do. We also offer free lance design services
to other sign makers that do not have an artist on staff.

Click to view samples of our work. |